
Prayer begins at the edge of emptiness.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

The concentration of attention in the heart -
this is the starting point of prayer.
-St. Theophan

Prayer is not asking.
It is a longing of the soul.
-Mohandas Gandhi

He offered a prayer so deeply devout
that he seemed kneeling and praying
at the bottom of the sea.
-Herman Melville

Before you start praying,
ask yourself whether you can concentrate;
otherwise do not pray at all.

Attention, taken to its highest degree, is the same thing as prayer.
It presupposes faith and love.
Absolutely unmixed attention is prayer.
-Simone Weil

A noble thought is a prayer.
An earnest desire is a prayer.
A pious longing is a prayer.
The sincere sighing of a penitent heart is a prayer.

True prayer requires no word, no chant
no gesture, no sound.
It is communion, calm and still
with our own godly Ground.
-Angelus Silesius

What is prayer?
It is your personal energy vibration of projection.
-Hua-Ching Ni

Let our prayer be free from self.

Any act done with totality becomes your prayer.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"

You need only one prayer to cover every difficulty in life.
That prayer is,"I pray to see more."
-Vernon Howard

Prayer in the widest sense is...
a direction of the heart.
-Rainer Maria Rilke

The way to pray is to put yourself into complete attunement
with the spirit of love.
-Grace Cooke (White Eagle)

Love is the only prayer I know.
-Marion Zimmer Bradley

Prayer is the spirit
speaking truth to Truth.
-Philip James Bailey

You pray well when you pray with joy.
-Emmet Fox

Pray like a lover, not a beggar.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"

The function of prayer is not to influence God, 
but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.
-Soren Kierkegaard

Make your life a prayer and you don't have to bother praying.
-David R. Hawkins

The heart's cry to God
is the highest form of prayer.

We must pray so forcefully
that all the limbs of Man and his strength,
his eyes and ears, heart, mouth and all senses are in the prayer,
and we may not stop till we find that we wish to become
as one with what we have and pray for at that very moment,
and that is God.
-Meister Eckhart

During the prayer,
the man goes out with the upper body,
while the lower one remains on the ground.
The astral body remains on the ground
next to the physical and widens,
while the mental and causal leaves,
in a kind of irradiation.
Prayer increases the vibration of the aura
so man becomes invulnerable to the surrounding power.
-Peter Deunov

The prayer that is uttered
through the spirit of faith
and through the soul of thanksgiving -
the two united in one, is always answered.
-Christian Larson

All things whatsoever ye pray for and ask for,
have faith that ye have received them and ye shall have them.
-The Bible

Prayer is like incense rising to Heaven,
and it draws exhilarating graces from Heaven.
-Frances Cabrini

Every prayer is answered,
but only to the degree of the intensity and sincerity of the prayer.

The interior contrition of his own consciousness is his prayer.
-Manly Hall

At some point one's prayers will become
so powerful that they can shake a full tree
in an orchard in heaven and fruit will roll
through the streets in this world.
-Daniel Ladinsky

If you are praying, you are praying actually to your Self,
to the Self which is within you.

Your prayer to God
is only God praying to Himself.
-Wayne Liquorman

The entire object of prayer is to exalt the mind
to an indissoluable unity with God.
-Israel Regardie