
Faith is that which makes it possible for the individual
to remain dedicated through character and integrity
with truth which he does not fully understand.
-Manly Hall

Faith is your inner knowing or feeling of confidence or trust,
containing within itself the mold of expression.
-Joseph Murphy

Faith always reproduces what we believe in,
that to which we give our wholehearted attention.
-J. Sig Paulson

Faith could be simple-mind, trusting, blind faith,
or it could be definite confidence which cannot be destroyed.
-Chogyam Trungpa

Faith is not belief.
Belief is passive.
Faith is active.
-Edith Hamilton

Faith is power to believe
and power to see.
-Prentice Mulford

Faith declares
what the senses do not see.
-Blaise Pascal

Faith is to believe what you do not yet see;
the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
-Saint Augustine

There’s a difference between having the faith to believe
and having the faith to receive.
-Steve Maraboli

Faith is the culmination of belief.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

Belief is essentially the same thing as faith,
but only when belief has become a conviction
does it turn into faith.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

[Faith] is not a form of intellectual believing,
but rather a confident, fundamental life-positive feeling
of unconditional confidence.
-Hans-Ulrich Rieker

Faith is building on what you know is here
so that you can reach what you know is there.
-Cullen Hightower

Faith is not a theoretical affirmation of something uncertain -
it is the existential acceptance of something transcending ordinary experience.
-Paul Tillich

A faith is not acquired; it grows like a tree.
-Arthur Koestler

Faith is not something to grasp;
it is a state to grow into.
-Mohandas Gandhi

To have faith is to trust yourself in the water.
When you swim you don't grab hold of the water,
because if you do you will sink and drown.
Instead you relax, and float.
-Alan Watts

A living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm.
-Mohandas Gandhi

Faith is, above all, openness -
an act of trust in the unknown.
-Alan Watts

A man cannot live without a steady faith
in something indestructible to him,
though both the faith and the indestructible thing
may be permanently concealed from him.
Once of the forms of this concealment
is the belief in a personal god.
-Franz Kafka

True faith is belief
in the reality of absolute values.
-Dean William Ralph Inge

Faith is much better than belief.
Belief is when someone else does the thinking.
-R.Buckminster Fuller

Faith is not tied to any sect or creed or dogma at all.
-Carleton Whitehead

Faith is love
taking the form of aspiration.
-William Ellery Channing

Faith is a certain vision of a goal to be attained,
it is invariable,
it is like the pre-vision of the virtual form contained in the seed.
-R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz

Faith sees a beautiful blossom in a bulb,
a lovely garden in a seed,
and a giant oak in an acorn.
-William Arthur Ward

Faith consists in believing
what reason cannot.

Faith is believing
where we cannot prove.
-Alfred Tennyson

Faith is knowledge within the heart,
beyond the reach of proof.
-Kahlil Gibran the resolve to live
as if certain things were true,
in the confident assurance that they are true,
and that we shall one day find out for ourselves
that they are true.
-Dean William Ralph Inge

Faith is the art of holding on to things
your reason has once accepted
in spite of your changing moods.
-C. S. Lewis

There is not worry in faith.
-The Oculatum

Faith is not a thing one "loses,"
we merely cease to shape our lives by it.
-George Bernanos

Only the person who has faith in himself
is able to be faithful to others.
-Erich Fromm

Faith is a higher faculty than reason.
-Philip James Bailey

Faith is a passionate intuition.
-William Wordsworth

Faith is spiritualized imagination.
-Henry Ward Beecher

Faith is affirming success before it comes.
Faith is making claims of victory before it is achieved.
-Robert Schuller

The principal power of faith is patience.
-George MacDonald

Faith has need of the whole truth.
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

If you repeat anything constantly
and generate enough faith to believe
what you are saying is correct,
your mind will become what you are repeating.
-Annamalai Swami

Faith is nothing more or less
than the operation of the thought forces
in the form of earnest desire,
coupled with the expectation of fulfillment.
-Ralph Waldo Trine

Faith is an invisible and invincible magnet,
and attracts to itself whatever it fervently desires
and calmly and persistently expects.
-Ralph Waldo Trine

True faith is a certitude;
when life conforms to faith,
it demonstrates the elements of faith.
-R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz

My faith is brightest
in the midst of impenetrable darkness.
-Mohandas Gandhi

Faithless is he that says farewell
when the road darkens.
-J. R. R. Tolkien

Faith that does not guide our entire life is worthless.
-Agni Yoga

Faith is not woven into every garment.

Faith is the bird that feels the light
and sings when the dawn is still dark.
-Rabindranath Tagore

Everything ultimately rests on the anatomy of faith:
the bones of reality and the flesh of vision.
-Lyn Birkbek

Faith simply means believing in your true self,
your original nature.
-Seung Sahn

Faith is personal, individual...
Faith comes in the finding of one's self.
This self-finding establishes
a clear realization of one's identity
with the eternal.
-Claude M. Bristol

He who has no faith in himself
can never have faith in God.

An unshakeable faith is a sign of the presence of the Divine Will,
an evidence of what shall be.
-Mirra Alfassa, "The Mother"