
I believe deeply that we must find,
all of us together, a new spirituality.
-Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama

If morality - or spirituality - mean anything,
it means, first and foremost, a commitment to be aware.
-Nathaniel Branden

There can be no spirituality, according to the Sufi masters,
without psychology, psychological insight and sociological balance.
-Idries Shah

Spirituality is in its very nature a thing subjective 
and not mechanical.
-Aurobindo Ghose

No great inner event
befalls those who summon it not.
-Maurice Maeterlinck

Waiting patiently in expectation
is the foundation of the spiritual life.
-Simone Weil

The spiritual is the parent of the practical.
-Johann Kaspar Lavater

Spiritual understanding means having the right priorities
and having a genuine commitment to those priorities.
Living a spiritual understanding means expressing those priorities in the hot moments,
the moments when it really counts.

The way in which we deal with difficult people
is the acid test of who we are
and how we use the tools of our spiritual path.
-Fran Dancing Feather and Rita Robinson